Flare Large– Right Corner – Modern Linear Fireplace

  • Sleek linear Flare Large Right Corner 200" Modern Indoor Fireplace with 24" High Glass, set in a modern concrete wall with minimalist architecture. FLARE-RC-200-H

Large Right Corner – Modern Linear Fireplace

Flare’s Right Corner Large Fireplace collection offers lengths from 120″ to 400″ with glass height options of 16″ or 24″. Each fireplace integrates seamlessly with our modern features, provides a straightforward installation process, and includes a built-in Double Glass safety barrier. Whether for commercial or residential spaces, these large fireplaces bring both elegance and practicality to any project

Fireplaces are certified and approved by CSA to be installed in North America, including California and Massachusetts.

Media Options


linear fireplace

Linear Design

The linear direct vent fireplace is designed to appear longer across your space, creating the appearance of your fireplace hanging effortlessly in your wall. The term “linear fireplace” is used to describe the long rectangular glass opening and can be specified by length and glass height.


Advanced 3D Burner

Unlike a traditional pipe burner, Flare’s 3D stainless steel burners create a deeper, taller flame that extends closer to the sides of the fireplace, allowing for a more dynamic, natural look that runs almost end-to-end in your fireplace. Standard on all our indoor fireplaces

Summit Burner

Designed to enhance the visual appeal of fireplaces with taller viewing windows, the optional Summit Burner elevates the flame into the vertical space using an advanced driftwood log burner.


Ceramic Black Reflective Back

All Flare Fireplaces have the option to upgrade to a black ceramic Reflective Back panel. This panel adds depth by increasing the reflection of your flame and media on the back or sides of your fireplace.

LED text illuminated with vibrant RGB light beams in red, green, blue, and yellow hues on a black background.

Multicolor LED Lighting

The optional multicolor LED kit lights up your firebox with any color in the spectrum using the included remote. Set the color and the memory will remember your choice each time you power the unit on or off. You can also power the lights independently to use the lights regardless of if the fireplace is on.


Optional Double Glass

Flare Fireplaces offers a quick touch Double Glass, which functions without the need of a power vent, across our entire lineup. This safety barrier is perfect when you are looking to achieve that crystal clear viewing window to your flame.

Wall Switch

All residential Flare Fireplaces ship standard with a simple Wall Switch as part of the purchase.


Summer Kit Heat Control

The optional Summer Kit is used to control the heat output of your cool glass or safety screen equipped Flare Fireplace. Have it dump your heat whenever the fireplace is turned on or set it to come on with a switch when you want to show off your Flare, but not the heat.


Wall Timer

Optional analog wall timers are available with every fireplace design.

Home automation for modern fireplace

Home Automation

The modern electronic gas valves equipped on all Flare Fireplaces enable your fireplace to be integrated into a new or pre-existing home automation system. Using signal relays brought to the fireplace, you can control your Flare using your Home Automation hub to control turning your fireplace on and off.


Battery Backup

Operate your screened Flare Fireplace, with no blowers, when the power goes out. Four AA batteries can keep your fireplace functioning for up to two years.


Remote Control

Every residential Flare Fireplace ships standard with a user friendly remote. This remote allows you to control the flame height, thermostat, and timer functionality built into your Flare Fireplace valve system.

Power Vent

Optional Power Vent

In the rare case you need to Power Vent your Flare fireplace we have three options to fit any application. Use our optional Power Vent in application that have an extremely long vent run, or when you need to drag your run under the fireplace.


Multiple Glass Heights

Flare not only offers linear fireplaces in lengths ranging from 30″ up to 400″, but we also offer multiple glass heights.16″, 24″, and 30″ heights are available in our Front Facing, See Through, & Room Definer lineup. With 16″ and 24″ available across the entire lineup.


Power Supply

Flare Fireplaces all ship with a power supply as part of your purchase.

Frameless Traditional Fireplace Quote Request

    Project Name




    *Project Postal Code

    Estimated Install Date

    *Flare Model


    Glass Height

    Optional Features

    Summit BurnerDouble GlassTriple GlassPower VentSummer KitReflective BackReflective SidesRGB LEDs

    Additional Information

    *Required Fields